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trelloR (development version)

trelloR 0.8.0

New features & bug fixes

New dependency

  • Added dependency on curl, but since httr already depends on it, the dependency footprint has not really been increased.

trelloR 0.7.1

CRAN release: 2021-04-21

New features & bug fixes

  • Ensure elements created with httr::upload_file() are handled with correct encoding, and added unit test for file upload
  • provide convenience wrapper add_card_attachment() which also can be used to change the card cover image with cover=TRUE

trelloR 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2021-01-28

New features

  • Can specify an alternate path for the token file

Other stuff

  • No longer imports dplyr
  • Updated vignettes and function docs

trelloR 0.6.0

New features

  • No need to use the token argument in all function calls, functions now check for a local .httr-oauth file first; you can still pass a Token object directly though
  • New wrappers for retrieving custom fields
  • New wrapper to get board preferences

Other stuff

  • Updated package website and nicer vignettes

trelloR 0.5.0

New features

  • You can now use URL for model ID

Other stuff

  • When nothing matches the request, a nice message is printed, instead of an ugly warning
  • Updated vignette and pkg docs

trelloR 0.4.0

New features

  • You can now issue PUT and DELETE requests
  • Calling wrappers update_ and delete_ is going to make it easier for you
  • You can decide whether you want to return content of a response (data frame for get_, list for the others) or a complete response object including headers, statuses etc.

Deprecated arguments

  • bind.rows in get_model() has been deprecated, will always try to return a single data.frame if content is returned

Other stuff

  • refactored GET-related code to make use of httr function for repeated requests, stopping/warning/messaging on errors
  • updated vignette and pkg docs

trelloR 0.3.0

New features

  • You can now get a token with permissions to write, and specify its expiration (incl. “never” for everlasting tokens)
  • You can now issue POST requests to add cards, comments etc.
  • You can use the add_ family of wrappers for doing so

Deprecated functions

Other stuff

  • Greater reliance on httr - eg. when building URLs or convert status codes to messages/warnings/errors; this is true only for the newly added code, but in time I will rewrite the older code too
  • Updated vignette

trelloR 0.2.0

New features

  • You can now specify values for limit larger than 1000
  • Added S3 classes for results
  • some classes (cards_df, actions_df, labels_df, checklists_df) now pretty-print on the console (EDIT: This is dropped in later releases!)

Deprecated arguments

  • paging has been deprecated, use limit=0 instead


  • The internal before parameter is now set correctly (preventing duplicates in results)
  • All messages can now be suppressed (as cat was replaced with message everywhere)

trelloR 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2016-09-23

First version of R API for Trello. Implements GET requests for Trello API.